Sorry for this chaotic title.
It seems like I've kind of wanted to make this site my personal website lately. That's not bad - it fits a country with a personal dictatorship. I'm going to write something here in the first person.
I thought a lot about my name, and I settled on one: Aurora Twinkle. It's a feminine name that can be written entirely in the pure Latin alphabet without diacritics, and is also easy to pronounce and easy to remember. I might try this name for a while and then make it my official name.
The domain of this site will change, that's for sure. I will rename the organization on github to Yusienia, so the domain will become
You probably already know that I have elected the Prime Minister of the Republic of Caelesta. Thank you to the citizens of Caelesta who supported me in the election. I will come up with some of my own guidelines, plans, policies. I'm still the only one in the Democratic Conservative Party, but the other parties seem to be too.. Some are not active anymore, like the left-wing UWU. At least the DCP has gone from opposition to ruling party.
There's not much that can be done in Caelesta's parliament -- I mean, I don't dare to presume my usual petty bills when the president hasn't proposed anything. Aside from politics, I'm still writing poetry and drawing, drawing microball comics or something, although my creations are sparse.
June is the fastest month in my opinion. I didn't go to other European countries, I don't have enough money to go to the micro euro summit, which will be held in Prague. And the another reason is that no one is going with me, a lonely princess without maids and knights around her sounds bad, doesn't it? I also didn't go to the International Congress of Vexillology, although I thought I could. I also think that I need to prepare more for such an event. Maybe in a few years I will be at Microcon.
I'll do a better statistic on Yusienia's population. Then I'll reorganize our partnership. None of this is complicated work. I have some complicated plans, these are holding cultural weeks, making new flags and orders, etc. I'll probably be able to get my hands on those beautiful beads soon. that's all.

Princess Aurora Twinkle (yeah I started my new name here.)